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引用本文:杨新,李冬梅,王峰,郑家伟. 聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶在唇部整复中的应用附23例报告[J]. 中国美容整形外科杂志, 2001, 12(3): 141-142
作者姓名:杨新  李冬梅  王峰  郑家伟
作者单位:1. 湖北宜昌市葛洲坝中心医院 口腔科,
2. 湖北宜昌市云集医院 美容整形科
3. 上海第二医科大学附属第九人民医院 口腔颌面外科
摘    要:目的 应用聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶(PAHG)整复唇红、唇部凹陷、唇珠缺损、薄唇,探索唇部整复新方法。方法 23例不同程度唇部缺损、凹陷畸形,根据缺损大小,个性化地选用PAHG-C型注射植入口轮匝肌下,充分塑形。结果 其中22例效果满意,1例出现硬结,抽出后2个月再次植入,随访3个月至1年无不良反应,唇部外形良好,手感柔软,神经感觉正常。结论 PAHG具有良好的生物相容性,对组织刺激小,质软,接近正常组织,操作简单,是整复唇部组织微小缺损、凹陷畸形良好的软组织填充剂。

关 键 词:聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶   整复   唇部畸形

The usage of PAHG inlabial repairs
Abstract:Objective Using PAHG to repair vermilion, labial depression, lip defect and leptolips, to try new ways of lip repairs. Methods 23 cases of different degrees of lip defect and labial depression were individually injected with PAGH (type C) into pars labialis and being fully molded. Results 22 cases were satisfactory. 1 case with cheilocace, the PAHG was then aspirated and injected again with no adverse reaction 3 months and 1 year thereafter. The lip has now a good contour and feels soft with normal a sensation. Conclusion PAHG has fine biological flexibility, with little irritation to tissue. It′s a soft material close to normal and easy to operate, thus a fine filling material for labial defect and deformity.
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