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Pattern of distribution and prognostic value of angiogenesis in pancreatic duct carcinoma: a semiquantitative immunohistochemical study of 45 patients
Authors:Linder S  Blåsjö M  von Rosen A  Parrado C  Falkmer U G  Falkmer S
Affiliation:Department of Surgery, S?dersjukhuset, Karolinska Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. stefan.linder@kirurg.sos.sll.se
In specimens obtained from resected pancreata, the intratumoral microvessel density (IMD), the proliferation rate of the neoplastic parenchymal cells, and their p53 protein expression were assessed. The sources of errors were great in the measurements of the IMD. This statement can be illustrated by the finding that when the IMD was calculated by manual counting in five areas of intense neovascularization (hot spot regions), using x200 and x400 magnifications, the numbers of microvessels per square millimeter were 65+/-23 and 106+/-8, respectively, which reflects a significant difference. Two patterns of microvessel distribution could be identified: one with hot spots only in the stroma (n = 19) and one in which the hot spots were located in areas of neoplastic parenchyma (including its stroma) (n = 26). The IMD was significantly greater in the latter group. There was no general correlation of neoplastic disease with the IMD. However, when a scoring system was used to assess the angiogenesis, hot spots in areas of neoplastic parenchyma were associated with a greater proliferation rate of the tumor cells, and with a short length of survival of the patients from their neoplastic disease.
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