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引用本文:杜清,王临虹,吴久玲,黄爱群,叶建莉,徐媛媛. 城市流动人口产后开奶时间及其影响因素分析[J]. 中国初级卫生保健, 2009, 23(5): 32-33
作者姓名:杜清  王临虹  吴久玲  黄爱群  叶建莉  徐媛媛
摘    要:目的了解城市流动人口产妇开奶时间及其影响因素.促进母乳喂养的成功。方法采用统一的调查问卷收集资料,应用SPSS13.0统计软件对数据进行描述性和决策树分析。结果在被调查的3029例5岁以下流动儿童的看护人中,81.84%为流动儿童的母亲;89.00%在医院分娩;77.22%为初中及以下文化程度。开奶时间的影响因素有孩子出生地点、孩子出生城市、看护人对母乳喂养的认知以及看护人的文化程度。结论流动人口产后早开奶率低(24.38%)。建议卫生部门加大宣传初乳和早开奶的好处。加强医院对早开奶的产前宣教和产后指导,达到爱婴医院要求的标准。

关 键 词:流动人口  开奶时间  影响因素

Analysis on Early Breastfeeding Initiation and Its Influence Factors Among Urban Migrant Population
Affiliation:DU Qing, WANG Lin-hong, WU Jiu-ling, et aL(Center for Maternal and Child Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, 100013,China)
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To understand early breastfeeding initiation and its influence factors among urban migrant population, promote the success of breastfeeding. METHODS A questionnaire survey was carried out to collect the data, descriptive and tree analysis had been clone by SPSS. RESULTS 3 029 migrant child caregivers were investigated, 81.84% were mothers, 89.00% gave births at hospitals, 77.22% received only junior middle school education and below. Influence factors of early breastfeeding were birth place, birth city, attitude of caregivers for breastfeeding, and education of earegivers. CONCLUSIONS The rate of early breastfeeding was low (24.38%). This study suggests health departments enlarge propaganda of benefits of early breasffeeding, strengthen antenatal health education and postnatal guidance for early breastfeeding in the hospitals, reach the criteria of baby-friendly hospital.
Keywords:migrant population   breastfeeding   influence factor
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