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Epidemiology of frequent attenders: a 3-year historic cohort study comparing attendance, morbidity and prescriptions of one-year and persistent frequent attenders
Authors:Frans ThM Smits   Henk J Brouwer   Gerben ter Riet  Henk CP van Weert
Affiliation:(1) Division of Clinical Methods and Public Health, Department of General Practice Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, PO Box 22700, 1100 DE Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2) Medical Health Centre Reigersbos, Ravenswaaipad 110, 1107EG Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(3) Horten-Zentrum, University of Z?rich, Z?rich, Switzerland


General Practitioners spend a disproportionate amount of time on frequent attenders. So far, trials on the effect of interventions on frequent attenders have shown negative results. However, these trials were conducted in short-term frequent attenders. It would be more reasonable to target intervention at persistent frequent attenders. Typical characteristics of persistent frequent attenders, as opposed to 1-year frequent attenders and non-frequent attenders, may generate hypotheses regarding modifiable factors on which new randomized trials may be designed.
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