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From the Cover: Global meta-analysis reveals no net change in local-scale plant biodiversity over time
Authors:Mark Vellend  Lander Baeten  Isla H. Myers-Smith  Sarah C. Elmendorf  Robin Beauséjour  Carissa D. Brown  Pieter De Frenne  Kris Verheyen  Sonja Wipf
Global biodiversity is in decline. This is of concern for aesthetic and ethical reasons, but possibly also for practical reasons, as suggested by experimental studies, mostly with plants, showing that biodiversity reductions in small study plots can lead to compromised ecosystem function. However, inferring that ecosystem functions will decline due to biodiversity loss in the real world rests on the untested assumption that such loss is actually occurring at these small scales in nature. Using a global database of 168 published studies and >16,000 nonexperimental, local-scale vegetation plots, we show that mean temporal change in species diversity over periods of 5–261 y is not different from zero, with increases at least as likely as declines over time. Sites influenced primarily by plant species’ invasions showed a tendency for declines in species richness, whereas sites undergoing postdisturbance succession showed increases in richness over time. Other distinctions among studies had little influence on temporal richness trends. Although maximizing diversity is likely important for maintaining ecosystem function in intensely managed systems such as restored grasslands or tree plantations, the clear lack of any general tendency for plant biodiversity to decline at small scales in nature directly contradicts the key assumption linking experimental results to ecosystem function as a motivation for biodiversity conservation in nature. How often real world changes in the diversity and composition of plant communities at the local scale cause ecosystem function to deteriorate, or actually to improve, remains unknown and is in critical need of further study.A huge number of experiments has investigated the effects of species diversity (typically the number of species) on ecosystem function in small study plots (≤400 m2), with a general consensus emerging that processes such as primary productivity and nutrient uptake increase as a function of the number of species in a community (16). These experiments thus appear to provide a powerful motivation for biodiversity conservation, given that ecosystem functions underpin many ecosystem services from which people benefit, such as forage production and carbon sequestration (1). However, the link between diversity-function experiments and the widespread argument that ecosystem function should motivate biodiversity conservation (711) hinges on the untested assumption that global biodiversity declines apply to the small scale (2). Experimental studies typically focus on small spatial scales not only for practical reasons, but also because organisms, plants in particular, typically interact over short distances (12), and so it is at the small scale that biodiversity is most likely to have an important impact on the functioning of ecosystems (1315).Habitat loss, invasive species, and overexploitation, among other factors, have accelerated global species’ extinction well beyond the background rate (1618), and it is tempting to assume that a global decline in biodiversity is necessarily accompanied by declines at smaller spatial scales. However, this is not a logical inevitability because, unlike other key variables involved in global environmental change, biodiversity at large scales (often termed gamma diversity) is not an additive function of biodiversity at smaller scales (alpha diversity). If global temperature or atmospheric CO2 concentrations, for example, are increasing at the global scale, the net change over time within local areas must, on average, be positive. However, because local species losses may be accompanied by immigration of species from elsewhere, decreases in biodiversity at the global scale do not necessarily result in any biodiversity change at smaller scales (16, 19, 20). Here we present a global synthesis testing for directional changes in local-scale biodiversity of terrestrial plants, which have been the focus of most well-replicated biodiversity-ecosystem function (BDEF) experiments. We focus on the most commonly studied component of biodiversity—species diversity—estimated by metrics that reflect the number of species (richness) and/or the equitability of their abundances (indices of diversity or evenness).
Keywords:spatial scale   permanent plots   ecosystem services
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