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The incidence of AIDS among blacks and Hispanics
Authors:R Bakeman  E McCray  J R Lumb  R E Jackson  P N Whitley
Compared with whites, the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has affected blacks and Hispanics disproportionately. The cumulative incidence (CI) for black men was 2.6, and for Hispanic men 2.5, times the rate for white men. Intravenous (IV) needle use alone does not account for this difference. Not counting IV needle-using cases, the CIs for black and Hispanic men were 1.7 times the CI for white men. Although there were fewer cases in women than men, the white-to-minority disparity was greater for women. The CIs for black and Hispanic women were 12.2 and 8.5 times, respectively, the CI for white women. Prevention programs are urgently needed and should focus on risky behavior (IV needle sharing and receptive anal intercourse), not just risk groups.
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