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Comparison of 1% and 2% lidocaine epidural anaesthesia combined with sevoflurane general anaesthesia utilizing a constant bispectral index
Authors:Shono A  Sakura S  Saito Y  Doi K  Nakatani T
Affiliation:Department of Anesthesiology, Shimane Medical University, 89–1 Enya-cho, Izumo City 693–8501, Japan
Background. The authors compared the effects of epidural anaesthesiawith lidocaine 1% and lidocaine 2% on haemodynamic variables,sevoflurane requirements, and stress hormone responses duringsurgery under combined epidural/general anaesthesia with bispectralindex score (BIS) kept within the range 40–50. Methods. Thirty-three patients undergoing lower abdominal surgerywere randomly divided into two groups to receive lidocaine 1%or 2% by epidural with sevoflurane general anaesthesia. Sevofluranewas adjusted to achieve a target BIS of 40–50 during maintenanceof anaesthesia with nitrous oxide 60% in oxygen. Measurementsincluded the inspired (FISEVO) and the end-tidal sevofluraneconcentrations (E'SEVO), blood pressure (BP), and heart rate(HR) before surgery and every 5 min during surgery for2 h. Plasma samples were taken immediately before and duringsurgery for measurements of catecholamines, cortisol, and lidocaine. Results. During surgery, both groups were similar for HR, BPand BIS, but FISEVO and E'SEVO were significantly higher andmore variable with lidocaine 1% than with 2%. Intraoperativeplasma concentrations of epinephrine and cortisol were foundto be higher with lidocaine 1% as compared with 2%. Conclusions. To maintain BIS of 40–50 during combinedepidural/general anaesthesia for lower abdominal surgery, sevofluraneconcentrations were lower and less variable with lidocaine 2%than with 1%. In addition, the larger concentration of lidocainesuppressed the stress hormone responses better. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91: 825–9
Keywords:anaesthesia, general   anaesthetic techniques, epidural   anaesthetics local, lidocaine   anaesthetics volatile, sevoflurane   monitoring, bispectral index
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