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Kiwira Virus,a Newfound Hantavirus Discovered in Free-tailed Bats (Molossidae) in East and Central Africa
Authors:Sabrina Weiss,Lwitiho E. Sudi,Ariane Dü  x,Chacha D. Mangu,Nyanda Elias Ntinginya,Gabriel M. Shirima,Sophie Kö  ndgen,Grit Schubert,Peter T. Witkowski,Jean-Jacques Muyembe,Steve Ahuka,Boris Klempa,Fabian H. Leendertz,Detlev H. Krü  ger
A novel hantavirus, named Kiwira virus, was molecularly detected in six Angolan free-tailed bats (Mops condylurus, family Molossidae) captured in Tanzania and in one free-tailed bat in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Hantavirus RNA was found in different organs, with the highest loads in the spleen. Nucleotide sequences of large parts of the genomic S and L segments were determined by in-solution hybridisation capture and high throughput sequencing. Phylogenetic analyses placed Kiwira virus into the genus Mobatvirus of the family Hantaviridae, with the bat-infecting Quezon virus and Robina virus as closest relatives. The detection of several infected individuals in two African countries, including animals with systemic hantavirus infection, provides evidence of active replication and a stable circulation of Kiwira virus in M. condylurus bats and points to this species as a natural host. Since the M. condylurus home range covers large regions of Sub-Saharan Africa and the species is known to roost inside and around human dwellings, a potential spillover of the Kiwira virus to humans must be considered.
Keywords:hantavirus   Mobatvirus   Hantaviridae   Mops condylurus   bat   phylogeny
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