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引用本文:杨婷,曾义虎,金碧荣. 昭通市艾滋病流行现状与防治策略[J]. 中国医药科学, 2012, 0(4): 129-130
作者姓名:杨婷  曾义虎  金碧荣
摘    要:目的了解昭通市艾滋病流行特征,为制定有效的防治策略提供依据。方法回顾性分析昭通市1996~2010年艾滋病疫情、监测和流行病学资料。结果截至2010年12月底,昭通市累计报告HIV/AIDS共计1619例,其中AIDS患者309例,死亡报告186例;传播途径的构成中性传播占39.87%,注射吸毒39.57%,母婴传播1.09%,义务献血人群0.42%,不详19.06%;外出流动人口感染者占总数的44.09%。结论传播途径以性传播为首,艾滋病流行由高危人群向普通人群扩散,感染者以外出人群为主,提高外出流动人口对艾滋病的防护意识,切实加强外出流动人口高危行为干预措施是当前昭通市防治艾滋病主要策略。

关 键 词:艾滋病  流行  防治  策略

Current status of HIV/AIDS epidemic and prevention strategy in Zhaotong
YANG Ting,ZENG Yihu,JIN Birong. Current status of HIV/AIDS epidemic and prevention strategy in Zhaotong[J]. China Medicine and Pharmacy, 2012, 0(4): 129-130
Authors:YANG Ting  ZENG Yihu  JIN Birong
Affiliation:Zhaotong Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Zhaotong 657000,China
Abstract:Objective Anticipate the trends of HIV/AIDS transmission and develope corresponding strategy for the disease control and prevention through better understanding of the current status of epidemic feature and impact factors.Methods Statistical analysis of HIV/AIDS infectious and surveillance report and epidemiological data from 1996 to 2010.Results By the end of 2010,Zhaotong had 1619 known HIV/AIDS virus carriers,of whom there were 309 AIDS patients and 186 people died of AIDS,Sexual transmission has replaced intravenous drug useas the main cause of HIV/AIDS in Zhaotong,accounting for 39.87% of infections,with 44.09% of migrant workers.Conclusion Sexual contact continues to be the major route of disease transmission.The largest group of HIV infections is migrant workers in zhaotong.Currently the key to the prevention and disease control is to raise their awareness among migrant workers about HIV/AIDS and teach them preventive measures.
Keywords:HIV/AIDS  Epidemic  Prevention  Strategy
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