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Hepatitis A virus infections associated with clotting factor concentrate in the United States
Authors:JM Soucie,   BH Robertson,   BP Bell,   KA McCaustland,   BL Evatt
Affiliation:Division of AIDS, STD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
BACKGROUND: Two cases of hepatitis A among persons exposed to the same lot of solvent/detergent-treated antihemophilic factor VIII concentrate were reported to a surveillance system. An investigation was conducted to find additional cases and determine the source of infection. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A seroprevalence study was conducted among persons with exposure to the suspect lot for serologic evidence of recent infection with hepatitis A virus (HAV). RESULTS: Six cases of recent HAV infection were discovered: four of the patients had been infused with material from the suspect lot of factor VIII, and two had received infusions of factor IX concentrate made from plasma pools common to the suspect factor VIII lot. HAV was identified in one of the plasma pools, in the factor VIII product, and in serum or stool from two factor VIII recipients and one factor IX recipient. The genetics sequence of the virus in the plasma pool, the factor VIII lot, and the factor VIII recipients were identical, while that of the virus in the factor IX recipient differed by a single base. CONCLUSION: These data document the transmission of HAV by a factor VIII concentrate and implicate factor IX products manufactured from a common source-plasma pool.
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