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引用本文:张海明,孙广慈,周孝麟,宋维铭,马继光,杨欣,冯国平,冯越蹇,安波. 重睑术后粘连畸形及其治疗[J]. 中华整形外科杂志, 2002, 18(4): 209-210
作者姓名:张海明  孙广慈  周孝麟  宋维铭  马继光  杨欣  冯国平  冯越蹇  安波
摘    要:目的 提出重睑术后粘连畸形的概念及其治疗原则,总结各种治疗方法的临床效果。方法 将本组30例重睑术后粘连畸形者的临床表现进行了分度,根据其形成特点,采用抽除缝线、眶隔脂肪瓣移位、眶隔部眼轮匝肌下移、睑板前齿轮匝肌瓣移转、自体脂肪组织游离移植和缩短上睑提肌肌健的方法治疗。结果 术后进行3个月至2年的随访,除隔部眼轮匝肌下移、睑板前眼轮匝肌瓣多转治疗效果欠佳外,其它方法均获得满意效果。结论 治疗重睑要后连畸形应在彻底松解局部粘连的基础上,根据局部条件采用隔断粘连区的方法,可以获得满意的长期效果,

关 键 词:重睑成形术 上睑下垂 手术后 粘连畸形 治疗

Adhesive deformity from the upper eyelid fold formation and its treatment
ZHANG Haiming,SUN Guangci,ZHOU Xiaolin,SONG Weiming,MA Jiguang,YANG Xin,FENG Guoping,FENG Yuejian,AN Bo. Plastic Surgery Hospital of CAMS,Beijing ,China . Adhesive deformity from the upper eyelid fold formation and its treatment[J]. Chinese journal of plastic surgery, 2002, 18(4): 209-210
Authors:ZHANG Haiming  SUN Guangci  ZHOU Xiaolin  SONG Weiming  MA Jiguang  YANG Xin  FENG Guoping  FENG Yuejian  AN Bo. Plastic Surgery Hospital of CAMS  Beijing   China
Affiliation:Plastic Surgery Hospital of CAMS, Beijing 100041, China.
Abstract:Objective On the basis of the concept of adhesive deformity from upper eyelid fold formation, the clinical results after using various methods to correct the adhesive deformities are summarized. Methods A total of 33 cases of adhesive deformity from upper eyelid fold formation have been treated using various corrective methods including taking off the sutures, shifting of the septal fat or the pre septal orbicularis muscle, transferring of pretarsal orbicularis muscle, grafting of autogenous fat tissue, and repairing or/and shortening of the palpebral levator. Postoperative follow up ranged from 3 months to 2 years. Results The effective results have been got with the used methods except shifting of the pre septal orbicularis muscle or transferring of pretarsal orbicularis muscle. Conclusions The suitable methods to correct the adhesive deformity from upper eyelid fold formation must be chosen according to the causes and the local situations.;
Keywords:Upper eyelid  Eyelid fold  Eyelid ptosis  Adhesive deformity from upper eyelid fold formation
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