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引用本文:葛自力. 颅面骨骨折及缺损的治疗[J]. 苏州大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 23(6): 706-707
作者单位:苏州大学附属第一医院口腔科 江苏苏州215006
摘    要:
目的 观察采用冠状切口径路手术治疗19例有额窦骨板、鼻骨和颧骨复合体骨折病例的疗效。方法 术前运用三维CT成像技术对骨损伤进行检查,术中采用冠状切口径路,颅内处理后额窦内用冻干软骨充填,对骨折进行解剖复位,骨缺损处用冻干软骨。结果 经随访,术后有满意的外形,X线片显示植骨处有骨小梁形成和钙化倾向。结论 运用三维CT成像技术、冠状切口径路、冻干软骨植骨方法可以作出精确诊断,提高治疗质量,减少手术创伤。

关 键 词:颅面骨骨折 三维CT成像技术 冻干软骨

Study on the Treatment of Cranio-facial Bones Fractures and Defects
GE Zi_li. Study on the Treatment of Cranio-facial Bones Fractures and Defects[J]. Suzhou University Journal of Medical Science, 2003, 23(6): 706-707
Authors:GE Zi_li
Objective To observe treatment results of 19 patients sufferin g from frontal sinus,nasal bone and zygomatic complex fractures.Methods The 3-D imaging technique was obligatory diagnostic tools pre-operativ ely.The bicoronal incision was used as the standard surgical approach for all ca ses.After neurosurgical interventions frontal sinus were obliterated by lyophili zed cartilage chips.Anatomic restoration was carried out.Transplantation of lyop hilized cartilage was used to reconstruct defects of bone.Results There was good external contour in all cases after average 21 months postoper atively.X_rays revealed a regular structure of bone trabeculae and progressive c alcification within the cartilage material post-operatively. Conclusions 3_D imaging technique,bicoronal incision and lyophilized cartilage implant ation can offer three advantages:precise diagnosis,improvement of treatment qual ity and decrease of operative injury.
Keywords:cranio_facial bone fractures  ?3_D imaging technique  ?lyophilized cartilage
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