湖沼地区不同剂型灭螺药现场灭螺效果观察 |
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引用本文: | 谭先玉,何亮才,王加松,荣先兵,袁梅枝,胡合华,田克卿,刘雄,张瑕,崔彩霞,田荣,洪敏. 湖沼地区不同剂型灭螺药现场灭螺效果观察[J]. 中国血吸虫病防治杂志, 2016, 28(3): 313-315,348 |
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作者姓名: | 谭先玉 何亮才 王加松 荣先兵 袁梅枝 胡合华 田克卿 刘雄 张瑕 崔彩霞 田荣 洪敏 |
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作者单位: | 1 湖北省洪湖市疾病预防控制中心 (洪湖 433200); 2 湖北省荆州市疾病预防控制中心血吸虫病预防控制所; 3湖北省江陵县血吸虫病预防控制所 |
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基金项目: | 湖北省卫生和计划生育委员会项目 (WJ2015XB029) |
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摘 要: | 目的 目的 观察不同剂型灭螺药在湖沼地区水位不稳定沟渠的现场灭螺效果, 为制定防治对策提供科学依据。方 方法 法 选择荆州市江陵县一条有螺排水渠作为试验现场, 分为6段; 除一段为空白对照组, 仅观察钉螺自然死亡率外, 其余5段作为观察组, 分别施用4%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐粉剂、 5%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐颗粒剂、 25%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂、 26 %四聚·杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂、 50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐可湿性粉剂。施药前后均采用系统抽样法查螺, 观察灭螺药物近期和远期效果, 并比较水位线上坡面与水位线下沿边水体钉螺死亡率。 结果 结果 各观察组水位线上坡面施药后7 d钉螺死亡率为79.52%~97.87%, 施药后15 d为90.43%~96.30%, 与灭螺前比较, 差异均有统计学意义 (P均<0.01)。各观察组水位线下水体施药后7 d钉螺死亡率为17.11%~50.00%, 均低于各组水位线上坡面钉螺死亡率, 差异均有统计学意义 (P均<0.05); 施药后15 d, 钉螺死亡率为9.43%~95.24%, 25%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂、 26% 四聚·杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂、 50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐可湿性粉剂组钉螺死亡率低于水位线上坡面, 差异均有统计学意义 (P均<0.01)。与灭前比较, 灭螺后6个月各观察组活螺平均密度下降率为70.21%~78.98%。结论 结论 粉剂与颗粒剂适用于无水或有水环境灭螺, 悬浮剂与可湿性粉剂适用于有水环境灭螺。
关 键 词: | 钉螺 灭螺药物 死亡率 4%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐粉剂 5%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐颗粒剂 25%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂 26%四聚 ·杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂 50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐可湿性粉剂 沟渠 湖沼地区 |
Oncomelania hupensis snail control effects of molluscicides with different formulations in field in marshland and lake regions |
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Affiliation: | 1 Honghu Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Hubei Province,Honghu 433200,China;2 Institute of Schistoso? miasis Prevention and Control,Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Hubei Province,China;3 Jian? gling Institute of Schistosomiasis Prevention and Control, Hubei Province, China |
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Abstract: | Objective Objective To observe the Oncomelania hupensis snail control effects of molluscicides with different formula?tions in the ditch with unstable water level in field of marshland and lake areas,so as to provide the evidence for formulating theprevention strategies. Methods Methods A drainage channel with O. hupensis snails in Jiangling County,Jingzhou City were selectedas the study field,then it was divided into 6 segments,except 1 segment was treated as the blank control group for observing thenatural mortality rate of the snails,the other 5 segments were treated as observation groups,where 4% niclosamide ethanol?amine salt powder,5% niclosamide ethanolamine salt granule,25% suspension concentrate of niclosamide ethanolamine salt,26% suspension concentrate of metaldehyde and niclosamide ethanolamine salt,50% niclosamide ethanolamine salt wettablepowder were applied respectively. Before and after the mollusciciding,the snail surveys were carried out through the systematicsampling method,and the short? and long?term effects of snail control were observed,and the mortality rates of the snails on theslope above the water level and those below the water level were compared. Results Results When 7 d and 15 d after mullusciciding,the mortality rates of snails on the slope above the water level in each observation group were 79.52%-97.87% and 90.43%-96.30%,respectively,when compared with those before mollusciciding,all the differences were statistically significant(all P <0.01) . When 7 d after mullusciciding,the mortality rates of snails below the water level in each observation group were 17.11%-50.00%,which were all lower than those of the snails on the slope above the water level in the corresponding groups(all P <0.05);when 15 d after mullusciciding,the rates were 9.43%-95.24%,and those in 25% suspension concentrate of niclosamideethanolamine salt,26% suspension concentrate of metaldehyde and niclosamide ethanolamine salt,50% niclosamide ethanol?amine salt wettable powder groups were all lower than those of the snails on the slope above the water level in the correspondinggroups(all P < 0.01) . Compared with the densities of living snails before mollusciciding,those 6 months after molluscicidingin each observation group decreased by 70.21%-78.98%. Conclusions Conclusions The molluscicides in the formulation of powders andgranule are suitable for both the snail environment with or without water,while those in the formulation of suspension agents andwettable powders are suitable only for environments with water. |
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Keywords: | Oncomelania hupensis snail Molluscicide Mortality rate 4% niclosamide ethanolamine salt powder 5% ni?closamide ethanolamine salt granule 25% suspension concentrate of niclosamide ethanolamine salt 26% suspension concen?trate of metaldehyde and niclosamide ethanolamine salt 50% niclosamide ethanolamine salt wettable powder Ditch Marsh?land and lake region |
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