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引用本文:赵平,柳小林. 歼击机飞行员颈椎X线表现调查[J]. 中华航空航天医学杂志, 1999, 10(4): 220-222
作者姓名:赵平  柳小林
摘    要:目的 探讨高 G加速度对飞行员颈椎可能产生的影响及其临床意义。 方法 对一组正常歼击机飞行员的颈椎 X线摄片分析 ,同样对一组正常地面人员的摄片 ,就常见的异常 X线征像结合临床情况进行讨论分析比较。 结果 飞行员组颈椎“切凹征”的出现率较对照组明显增高 ;颈曲变直、反向或侧弯程度都比对照组要显著 ;颈椎椎间隙狭窄情况两组无明显差异。对照组颈椎既往症状发生率显著增高于飞行员组。 结论 加速度负荷可能是加速颈椎退变主要因素之一 ,但 X线所示的颈椎退行性改变并不一定意味着临床症状的出现 ;飞行员常规保持体育运动对颈椎临床症状的预防具有重要的临床意义。

关 键 词:飞行员  颈椎  退行性变  脊柱  放射造影术

A cervical radiology survey in fighter pilots
ZHAO Ping,LIU Xiaolin. A cervical radiology survey in fighter pilots[J]. Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine, 1999, 10(4): 220-222
Authors:ZHAO Ping  LIU Xiaolin
Affiliation:ZHAO Ping,LIU Xiaolin. General Hospital of Air Force,Beijing 100036
Abstract:Objective To explore the possible effects of high sustained acceleration on cervical vertebrae and its clinical implications. Methods X ray films of cevrical spine were taken in a group of fighter pilots and a group of ground personnel.The abnormal signs on the films together with history of clinical symptoms of these two groups were compared. Results The occurence rate of chips of cervical vertebrae was significantly higher in pilot group. The flatening of cervical curvature and revival lordosis were more prominant in pilot group. But the occurrence rate of history of clinical symptoms of neck was significantly higher in control group. Conclusions It is suggested that the high sustained G force may speed up the degenerative process of cervical vertebrae, though the degenerative changes may not be of clinical significance. The regular playsical exercise in pilots is helpful in preventing trouble from cervical spine.
Keywords:Pilots Cervical spine Degeneration Spinal column
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