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Involvement of insula and cingulate cortices in control and suppression of natural urges
Authors:Lerner Alicja  Bagic Anto  Hanakawa Takashi  Boudreau Eilis A  Pagan Fernando  Mari Zoltan  Bara-Jimenez William  Aksu Murat  Sato Susumu  Murphy Dennis L  Hallett Mark
Affiliation:Human Motor Control Section, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. lernera@mail.nih.gov
The physiology of control and suppression of natural urges isnot well understood. We used [15O]H2O positron-emission tomographyimaging to identify neural circuits involved in suppressionof spontaneous blinking as a model of normal urges. Suppressionof blinking was associated with prominent activation of bilateralinsular-claustrum regions, right more than left; activationwas also found in bilateral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC),supplementary motor areas, and the face area of the primarymotor cortex bilaterally. These results suggest a central rolefor the insula possibly together with ACC in suppression ofblinking.
Keywords:blinking    insula    PET    suppression    urges    visceral homunculus
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