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引用本文:陈辉,王声涝. 中华预防医学会伤害预防与控制分会妇女和老年人伤害研究学组成立[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2009, 30(12): 1287-1287
作者姓名:陈辉  王声涝
摘    要:目的论述结构方程模型(SEM)方法在流行病学研究中的应用。方法简述SEM的主要构成、统计假设和目前常用的软件及这一方法如何在流行病学研究中应用和对应用中的有关问题的处理。结果相对于传统的流行病学方法,SEM是一种综合思维方法,不仅分析因素和疾病之间的关系,也分析因素和因素之间的关系;同样是一种验证性的方法,对于有些复杂问题的流行病学研究,特别是以理论为依据的研究颇为重要;SEM分析能够得到潜在变量的有关参数,并对表述潜在变量的显变量的测量误差做出估计。结论SEM能够应用于流行病学的研究,且具有较传统流行病学分析方法无法比拟的优势。

关 键 词:流行病学  结构方程模型  潜在变量

The application of structural equation model approach in epidemiological research
YANG Ting-zhong and RUAN Ha-jian. The application of structural equation model approach in epidemiological research[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2009, 30(12): 1287-1287
Authors:YANG Ting-zhong and RUAN Ha-jian
Abstract:Objective To discuss application of structural equation model(SEM ) approach inepidemiological research. Methods A brief overview on major components of SEM,statistical assumptionsunderlying the use of SEM,and current software available to users and how SEM can be used were discussedthrough a practical epidemiological research project. Results Advantages of SEM comparing withconventional epidemiological approach were shown. SEM,having the nature of comprehensive thinking andanalytic approach,not only exploring the association between factors and diseases but also among factors. Italso served a confirmatory, rather than exploratory approach on data modeling, as well as having thecapability of correcting estimates by separating measurement error from the equations, to provide modelingthe latent variables. Conclusion SEM approach could be used in epidemiological research as having someadvantages comparing with conventional epidemiological approaches.
Keywords:Epidemiology  Structural equation model  Latent variable
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