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引用本文:江方正,王金金,童智慧,叶向红,李维勤. 腹腔双套管在暂时性腹腔关闭患者创面负压吸引中的应用与护理[J]. 解放军护理杂志, 2016, 0(1): 44-46. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-9993.2016.01.012
作者姓名:江方正  王金金  童智慧  叶向红  李维勤
作者单位:1. 南京军区南京总医院 普通外科,江苏 南京,210002;2. 南京军区南京总医院 护理部
摘    要:目的探讨腹腔双套管在暂时性腹腔关闭患者创面负压吸引中的应用与护理。方法 2011年11月至2012年10月,南京军区南京总医院普通外科收治的腹腔间室综合征行腹腔开放暂时性腹腔关闭患者29例,在创面下放置腹腔双套管,以保证有效的负压吸引,及时清除创面渗出物。护理中加强对创面放置双套管及创面覆盖网片敷料的管理,做好保暖,预防创面污染,同时加强功能锻炼和心理护理,促进患者康复。结果 29例患者创面放置腹腔双套管负压吸引时间为17~33d,平均(26.21±4.39)d,负压吸引期间均无意外发生,无一例患者因护理不当而造成不良后果,治疗均达到预期效果。结论腹腔双套管用于暂时性腹腔关闭患者创面负压吸引效果良好,能及时清除创面渗出物,有利于创面治疗和伤口愈合,值得临床护理工作借鉴。

关 键 词:暂时性腹腔关闭  腹腔双套管  负压吸引  护理

Nursing Practice and Application of Abdominal Double Cannula in the Vacuum Aspiration of Wound Surface in Patients with Temporary Abdominal Closure
Abstract:Objective To discuss the application effect of abdominal double cannula in the vacuum aspira-tion of wound surface in patients with temporary abdominal closure.Methods Totally 29 cases were select-ed and applied with abdominal double cannula under the wound surface,in order to ensure the effective vac-uum aspiration,and cleaned the exudation in time.Strengthen the management of abdominal double cannula and surgical dressing in nursing practice,keep the body temperature and prevent the contaminate of the wound,and strengthen the functional exercise and psychological nursing,thus to promote recovery.Results The vacuum aspiration time in 29 cases was 17~33d,averagely(26.21 ±4.39)d,with zero accident,and no adverse outcome due to the inappropriate nursing happened,and all cases reached the desired effect.Con-clusion The application effect of abdominal double cannula in the vacuum aspiration of wound surface in patients with temporary abdominal closure is significant,it can clean the exudation in time,which benefits the wound treatment and heal,and is worth for clinical trial.
Keywords:temporary abdominal closure  abdominal double cannula  vacuum aspiration  nursing
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