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引用本文:刘清,魏娴,李青峰. 单位毛囊和单株毛囊移植修复发际缺陷[J]. 组织工程与重建外科, 2008, 4(4): 213-215
作者姓名:刘清  魏娴  李青峰
作者单位:上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院整复外科,上海市 200011
摘    要:目的探索毛发移植技术修复发际线轮廓缺陷的应用效果。方法术前仔细设计发际线和计算所需移植毛发的数量。切取枕后带发皮片,在4~5倍放大镜下精细分割,制备成不同粗细的单株毛囊和单位毛囊。根据受区毛发的走行及自然生长方向,用1.5mm蓝宝石裂隙刀制备微小裂隙,将制备好的单株毛囊和单位毛囊间隔插入裂隙。结果临床随访6个月显示,发际处移植毛发生长良好,与原有毛发融为一体,成活率达到95%。403名发际缺陷患者中有361例对美容效果表示满意,但是仍有部分颞额角脱发明显和瘢痕严重的患者需要二期加密手术。结论用单株毛囊和单位毛囊移植技术改善发际线缺陷,对毛囊分离技术的要求较高,手术设计合理,术后恢复迅速,外观自然、逼真,是较理想的治疗手段。

关 键 词:发际线  单株毛囊  单位毛囊  显微移植

Hairline Restoration with Single and Multiple Follicular Units
LIU Qing,WEI Xian,Li Qingfeng. Hairline Restoration with Single and Multiple Follicular Units[J]. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery, 2008, 4(4): 213-215
Authors:LIU Qing  WEI Xian  Li Qingfeng
Affiliation:. (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine; Shanghai Key Laboratory of Tissue Engineering Center, Shanghai 200011, China. )
Abstract:Objective To explore a method of hairline restoration with single and multiple follicular units. Methods Donor scalp of proper size was dissected from the occipital area, and then minced to single and multiple follicular units under magnification (4-5 ×). The micro-slits were prepared by 1-1.5 mm,30-45° sapphire knives in the recipient site, with consideration to natural hair direction. Finally, the grafts were inserted at intervals into the slits with microforceps. Results A 6-months follow-up revealed natural appearance and a survival rate of 95 %. Although 361 out of 403 patients were satisfactory with the aesthetic results, some patients with severe scar or receding hairline in the temporal-frontal region still needed further operation. Conclusion The technique has many advantages, including mild trauma, natural appearance, and quick recovery. Yet it puts high demand for operation skills, especially isolation of hair follicle units.
Keywords:Hair line  Single follicular unit  Multiple follicular units  Micro-graft
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