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引用本文:何红彦,王智勇,隋全恒,赵毅,岳长征,李杰. 大连市沙河口区1981-2005年中小学生视力状况分析[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2009, 30(7)
作者姓名:何红彦  王智勇  隋全恒  赵毅  岳长征  李杰
作者单位:1. 辽宁省大连市沙河口区疾病预防控制中心,116021
2. 大连市疾病预防控制中心
摘    要:目的 了解大连市沙河口区学生视力不良发病规律,为防治中小学生视力不良提供依据.方法 整群抽取大连市沙河口区具有代表性的4所小学、4所中学,按照卫生部<学校卫生监督监测情况年报表填报说明及技术规范>的统一要求,以及辽宁省卫生防疫站制订的中小学生视力监测要求进行检测.结果 25 a来,学生视力不良率增长幅度为100.52%,男生高于女生.小学生高于中学生;男、女生平均视力2005年明显低于1985年.从视力不良构成看,随年度的增加,轻度视力不良所占比例降低,而中度及重度视力不良所占比例升高.结论 中小学生视力不良率呈逐年上升趋势,小学生视力不良率增长幅度和平均视力下降幅度均大于中学生.应加强小学阶段的预防视力不良工作,控制视力不良的发生和发展.

关 键 词:视力,低  流行病学研究  学生  患病率

Visual State.From 1981 to 2005 Among Middle and Primary School Students in Shahekou District of Dalian
Abstract:Objective To study role of poor eyesight incidence,and to provide basis for prevention and treatment. Methods 4 middle schools and 4 primary schools in Shahekou district were selected by cluster sampling and investigated according to the requirements that published by Ministry of Health (specifications and technical criterion of school health supervision and monitoring annals) and Liaoning health prevention station(visual monitoring demand of middle and primary school students). Results The rise rate of students" poor vision was 100.52%, boys' higher than girls;primary school students' higher than middle school students'. Average eyesight of both male and female students in 2005 were significant-ly lower than 1985. Mild poor eyesight rate failed annually, but moderate and severe low vision rate increased annually. Conclusion Students" poor eyesight rate rising year by year, primary students" visual]ower rate and average vision fall range were greater than middle school students. Preven-tion for poor eyesight in primary school should be strengthened to control the occurrence and development of poor eyesight.
Keywords:Vision,low  Epidemiologic studies  Students  Prevalence
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