针灸治疗荨麻疹的古代文献计量学分析 |
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作者单位: | ;1.北京市第二医院;2.北京医院国家老年医学中心 |
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摘 要: | 目的 :通过对针灸治疗荨麻疹的古代文献计量学分析,探讨古代医家针灸治疗荨麻疹在穴位、经络、刺灸法选择上的规律。方法:手工检索《中华大典·医药卫生典·医学分典·针灸推拿总部》,从腧穴、经脉、刺灸法三方面进行计量学分析。结果:共检索出37条文献,纳入32条,载穴19个,使用频数66次,出现有刺灸法描述的文献20条。结论:古代针灸治疗荨麻疹的腧穴分布于手阳明大肠经、手厥阴心包经、足少阳胆经等9条经脉中,其中手阳明大肠经中穴位出现频次最多;使用频次最高的前5个穴位是曲池、肩髃、环跳、曲泽、合谷;刺灸法中以灸法更多见。
关 键 词: | 荨麻疹 针灸治疗 古代文献 穴位 经络 刺灸法 |
Bibliometric Analysis of Treatment of Urticaria by Acupuncture Based on Ancient Documents |
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Affiliation: | ,The Second Hospital of Beijing,National Center of Gerontology,Beijing Hospital |
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Abstract: | Objective:Through the biliometric analysis of ancient documents about treatment of urticaria by acupuncture,to explore the law of treatment of urticaria by acupuncture in acupoints,meridians and choice of acupuncture and moxibustion. Methods:Through manual retrieval of the Chinese ceremony·Medical Dictionary·Medical Sub·Acupuncture and Massage Headquarters,the bibliometric analysis was carried out from three aspects:acupoints,meridians,acupuncture and moxibustion method. Results:A total of 37 articles were retrieved,of which 32 articles were included. A total of 19 acupoints were containd in the 32 articles,with the frequency of 66 times. The method of acupuncture and moxibustion was described in 20 articles. Conclusion:In ancient acupuncture treatment,acupoints used for treating urticaria distributed in 9 meridians,such as hand Yangming large intestine meridian,hand Jueyin pericardium meridian,foot Shaoyang gallbladder meridian.etc. The acupoints on hand Yangming large intestine meridian were used most frequently. The top 5acupoints that were most frequently used were Quchi(LI11),Jianyu(LI15),Huantiao(GB30),Quze(PC3),Hegu(LI4). Moxibustion is used more frequently than acupuncture. |
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Keywords: | urticaria acupuncture treatment ancient documents acupoint meridian acupucture and moxibustion method |
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