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引用本文:张玉英. 张仲景辨治咳喘21法[J]. 河南中医, 2004, 24(12): 1-5
摘    要:张仲景论述咳喘的辨治,除了痰饮及外感等引起的咳嗽、哮喘,又包括了其他原因引起的呼吸急促困难等疾患。咳喘辨治法则为:解表散寒,宣肺平喘法;解表化饮,止咳平喘法;泄热化饮,降气平喘法;泻肺逐痰,止咳平喘法;清宣肺热,止咳平喘法;逐水散饮,降逆定喘法;温下寒痰,降气定喘法;泻热逐水,降逆定喘法;清热化痰,散结止咳法;清热攻下,降气定喘法;育阴清热,利水止咳法;滋阴润肺,降气止咳法;温中暖肺,化痰止咳法;温阳化饮,止咳平喘法;散饮通阳,降逆定喘法;温散寒饮,化痰止咳法;疏肝理肺,化饮止咳法;豁痰宣痹,下气平喘法;解表扶正,固脱定喘法;宣壅逐痰,利窍止喘法;祛痰排脓,解毒止咳法。

关 键 词:咳喘  治法  张仲景

Zhang Zhongjing's Twenty-one Methods in Treating Cough with Dyspnea by Differentiation of Syndromes
Zhang Yuying. Zhang Zhongjing's Twenty-one Methods in Treating Cough with Dyspnea by Differentiation of Syndromes[J]. Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2004, 24(12): 1-5
Authors:Zhang Yuying
Abstract:Cough with dyspnea discussed by Zhang Zhongjing includes not only cough and asthma due to phlegm retention and exopathy, but aslo the difficult and rapid breathing caused by other reasons. The following are the principles of treatment by differentiation of syndromes for couth with dyspen: inducing diaphoresis and warming yang to reduce watery phlegm; removing heat from the lung and eliminating phlegm; lowering the adverse flow of qi and relieving the depressed liver; nourishing yin and moisturizing the lung; removing toxic substances and promoting pus discharge; relieving cough and asthma; etc.
Keywords:cough with dyspnea  treatment method  Zhang Zhongjing  
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