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引用本文:韩成龙,于占革,潘琦. 颈椎后纵韧带骨化症的显微外科治疗[J]. 中国伤残医学, 2003, 11(4): 23-24
作者姓名:韩成龙  于占革  潘琦
摘    要:目的:探讨颈椎后纵韧带骨化症(OPLL)的显微外科治疗。方法:对27例颈椎OPLL患者进行了在显微镜下的颈椎前路手术,术后采用日本骨科学会(JOA)评定标准进行评判。结果:27例中23例获1年~4年(平均2.2年)随访,按JOA标准评定疗效,优11例;良9例;改进2例,无效1例。结论:采用显微外科技术通过颈椎前路去除骨化的后纵韧带可使脊髓获充分减压,从而取得满意疗效。

关 键 词:颈椎  后纵韧带  显微外科

Cervical Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Treated by Microsurgery
HAN Cheng-long,YU Zhan-ge,PAN Qi. Cervical Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Treated by Microsurgery[J]. Chinese JOurnal of Trauma and Disability Medicine, 2003, 11(4): 23-24
Authors:HAN Cheng-long  YU Zhan-ge  PAN Qi
Abstract:To discuss the treatment of the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) of cervical spine by microsurgery. Methods: 27 cases with OPLL received anterior surgery under microscope. Assessment after surgery was based on the recovery rate using the scoring system of the Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA). Results: 23 of the 27 patients operated on have been followed up for a mean period of 2.3 years (range 1 to 4 years). According to JOA Score System, 11 cases were excellent, 9 cases were good, 2 cases were improved, 1 case was useless. Conclusion: The ossified posterior longitudinal ligament could be excised by anterior surgery with microsurgery, so that decompression of spinal cord tended to be perfect. Clinical result was satisfactory following the above mentioned procedure.
Keywords:Cervical vertebrae  Posterior longitudinal ligament  Microsurgery
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