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引用本文:王进礼 张月娟 罗贵友. 明尼苏达多项人格调查表在武警部队军人应用的信度、效度研究[J]. 中国行为医学科学, 2006, 15(5): 464-466
作者姓名:王进礼 张月娟 罗贵友
作者单位:[1]武警医学院医学心理学教研室,天津300162 [2]河北师范大学教育科学院,天津300162
摘    要:目的 探讨明尼苏达多项人格调查表(MMPI)在武警部队应用的信效度问题.方法 采用MMPI399条版本和自编领导评定表,在武警部队取样正常人员1094人和罪错人员67人施测,对正常组57人10d后重测.结果 信度系数平均0.73.因素分析提取3个因子,总解释量65.19%.MMPI多数量表分与领导评定分数相关显著,对罪错人员的区分效度有9个量表达到显著水平.信度效度指标均达到或超过同类研究.结论 MMPI可以作为武警部队人员选拔、工作安置和人格、行为、心理健康评定的研究和使用工具.

关 键 词:MMPI 信度 效度 武警部队 心理健康

Reliability and validity of the MMPI in the armed police force of China
WANG Jin-li, ZHANG Yue-juan, LUO Gui-you. Reliability and validity of the MMPI in the armed police force of China[J]. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science, 2006, 15(5): 464-466
Authors:WANG Jin-li   ZHANG Yue-juan   LUO Gui-you
Affiliation:Department of Medical Psychology, Medical Collage of Chinese Peoples Armed Police Force, Tianjin 300162, China
Abstract:Objective To examine the reliability and validity of the MMPI in the Armed Police Force of China. Method 1094 armed policemen were administered the MMPI, the test-retest reliability, construct validity and criterion-related validity were examined. Results The test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.73 average, the result of factor analysis showed MMPI was composed of 3 factors ; the most sub tests of the MMPI have significant correlation with the rating of the leaders. The differences between normal people and criminal were significant. Conclusion MMPI attained satisfactory Reliability and validity.
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