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引用本文:钱芳,侯光辉,LU Xiao-chun. 早产儿视网膜病发病情况及高危因素的探讨[J]. 中国优生与遗传杂志, 2006, 14(7): 84-86
作者姓名:钱芳  侯光辉  LU Xiao-chun
作者单位:1. 暨南大学医学院第三附属医院,珠海市人民医院,儿科,519000
2. 暨南大学医学院第三附属医院,珠海市人民医院,眼科,519000
摘    要:目的 探讨早产儿视网病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)的发病率、高危因素及防治措施。方法对194例早产儿生后72h内及生后4w开始定期检查眼底,发现ROP者密切随访至生后1年。结果72h内早期眼底检查眼底异常包括视乳头水肿、视网膜水肿、视网膜血管改变及出血等。生4w后检出ROP患儿12例(6.2%),高危因素分别为低出生体重,小孕周、长期或高浓度吸氧。结论建议出生体重小于2000g和/或孕周小于35w的早产儿,在生后第3w或胎龄达34w时常规行首次眼底检查,以早期发现ROP并给予及时治疗。

关 键 词:视网膜病  早产儿  高危因素

Analysis of invasion and high risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity in preterm infants
QIAN Fang,WEI Hong-yan,LU Xiao-chun. Analysis of invasion and high risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity in preterm infants[J]. Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity, 2006, 14(7): 84-86
Authors:QIAN Fang  WEI Hong-yan  LU Xiao-chun
Abstract:Objective: To observe the incidence,high risk factors and pROPhylactico-therapeutic measures of retinopathy of prematurity(ROP).Methods: Fundus were examined in 194 premature infants in 72 hours and from fourth weeks after birth.For those babies with ROP,continue to follow up until 1 year later.Results: The eyeground abnormalities consisted of papilledema,edena and vascular changes and hemorrhage of the retina in 72 hours.12 premature infants were found with ROP after fourth weeks,incidence was 6.2%.The high risk factors were low birth weight,small gestational age,long term and high concentration oxygen therapy.Conclusion: These premature infants with birth weigh less than 1500g and period of gestation less than 35 weeks should take regular ophthalmic examination in order to detect early ROP and be treated early.
Keywords:Retinopathy    Prematurity   High risk factor
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