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Expressed emotion in the relatives of people with epileptic or nonepileptic seizures
Authors:Stanhope Nicola  Goldstein Laura H  Kuipers Elizabeth
Affiliation:Institute of Psychiatry, London, England. n.stanhope@iop.kcl.ac.uk
PURPOSE: This study investigated Expressed Emotion (EE) in relatives of people with epileptic or nonepileptic seizures (NES). METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, we used the Five-Minute Speech Sample to explore EE in the key relative of people with epilepsy (n = 36) and those with NESs (n = 21), as well as levels of anxiety and depression and use of coping strategies. RESULTS: A significantly greater proportion of relatives of NES than epilepsy patients were rated as high EE. Hostility was evident in more high-EE epilepsy than high-EE NES relatives, whereas emotional overinvolvement and positive relationship ratings tended to be more common in high-EE NES relatives. High- and low-EE epilepsy relatives used problem-focused as opposed to emotion-focused coping strategies significantly more than half the time. High EE and seizure frequency were not associated. Age at onset of the disorder was higher in epilepsy patients with high- than with low-EE relatives. CONCLUSIONS: Irrespective of etiology, carers for people with seizure disorders may find it hard to adjust to the difficulties these disorders create. Interventions that encourage problem-solving, reappraisals of "loss" and education regarding the causes of some of the patients' behavioral and mood problems seem likely to be beneficial.
Keywords:Expressed emotion    Coping    Epileptic seizures    Nonepileptic seizures
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