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Social Dynamics of the Value of Wild Edible Leaves (Imifino) in a South African Rural Area
Authors:Thembela Kepe
Affiliation:1. Department of Geography , University of Toronto , Toronto, Ontario, Canada kepe@utsc.utoronto.ca
The contribution of wild edible leaves to the livelihoods of rural poor is widely acknowledged. Yet the notion of value of these natural resources is poorly understood. Using a case from Mkambati area, South Africa, this article suggests that in order to better understand resource value, both realized (in terms of material benefits and contributions to livelihoods) and notional (in terms of appreciation of resources and their potential uses), a broader livelihood context, which encompasses understanding of social and ecological dynamics, is crucial. Two axes of social difference, gender and wealth, emerged as playing a key role in determining value, through mediating, firstly, access to and control over ecological zones where these plants grow; and secondly use and labor required for collection. The article concludes that in order to enhance the contribution of wild edible leaves to poverty alleviation, policies should recognize the fact that resource value is primarily socially constructed.
Keywords:wild edible leaves  resource value  social difference  South Africa
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