Abstract: | The maps of visuotopically discrete visual cerebral corticalareas in the cat and the macaque monkey are compared and gapsin knowledge are identified that limit such comparisons. Catareas 17, 18, and 19 can be equated with macaque areas VI, V2,and V3, respectively, based on criteria of relative positionin the cortical mantle, internal organization of visual fieldrepresentations, and trans- and subcortical connections. Usingthese same criteria, a visual area on the medial bank of thelateral suprasylvian sulcus (area PMLS) in the cat can be equatedwith macaque area V5. The equivalences are supported by dataon neuronal receptive field properties and the contributionsthe areas make to visual behavior. Although the data are scantyfor most other visual areas, there are enough data tentativelyto equate collectively cat areas 20a and 20b with macaque areasTF and TH and to liken cat areas 21a and 21b with macaque areaV4. What is not clear is if there is a region in cat that isequivalent to area TE in the macaque monkey. If there is, itlikely lies on the banks of the posterior suprasylvian sulcusbetween areas 20 and 21 and the polysensory cortex of the posteriorectosylvian gyrus. Knowledge gained from prior research on macaqueareas V4 and TE can be used to formulate specific additionalinvestigations of cat area 21 and the uncharted posterior suprasylviansulcus. In addition, prior investigations carried out on catarea 20 can be used to devise specific explorations of macaqueareas TF and TH. |