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Design of a Small-Scale Multi-Inlet Vortex Mixer for Scalable Nanoparticle Production and Application to the Encapsulation of Biologics by Inverse Flash NanoPrecipitation
Authors:Chester E. Markwalter,Robert K. Prud&#x  homme
Affiliation:Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Abstract:Flash NanoPrecipitation is a scalable approach to generate polymeric nanoparticles using rapid micromixing in specially designed geometries such as a confined impinging jets mixer or a Multi-Inlet Vortex Mixer (MIVM). A major limitation of formulation screening using the MIVM is that a single run requires tens of milligrams of the therapeutic. To overcome this, we have developed a scaled-down version of the MIVM, requiring as little as 0.2 mg of therapeutic, for formulation screening. The redesigned mixer can then be attached to pumps for scale-up of the identified formulation. It was shown that Reynolds number allowed accurate scaling between the 2 MIVM designs. The utility of the small-scale MIVM for formulation development was demonstrated through the encapsulation of a number of hydrophilic macromolecules using inverse Flash NanoPrecipitation with target loadings as high as 50% by mass.
Keywords:nanoparticles  mixing  protein delivery  peptide delivery  formulation  particle size  polymeric drug carrier  FNP  Flash NanoPrecipitation  CIJ  confined impinging jets  MIVM  Multi-Inlet Vortex mixer  NP(s)  nanoparticle(s)  BCP  block copolymer  PS  poly(styrene)  THF  tetrahydrofuran  Re  Reynolds Number  iFNP  inverse Flash NanoPrecipitation  μMIVM  micro Multi-Inlet Vortex Mixer  chloroform  DMSO  dimethyl sulfoxide  PS-b-PAA  poly(styrene)-block-poly(acrylic acid)  DLS  dynamic light scattering  PDI  polydispersity index  OVA  ovalbumin  HRP  horseradish peroxidase
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