2011~2012年高密市农村环境卫生状况调查 |
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引用本文: | 张树其,解志红,宫献升,黄磊,别娜. 2011~2012年高密市农村环境卫生状况调查[J]. 预防医学文献信息, 2013, 0(12): 906-908 |
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作者姓名: | 张树其 解志红 宫献升 黄磊 别娜 |
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作者单位: | 高密市疾病预防控制中心卫生监测科,山东高密261500 |
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摘 要: | 目的了解农村环境卫生状况,为政府部门对农村环境卫生决策提供依据。方法2011年8月和2012年8月,在高密市抽取10个乡镇(街道)的40个行政村,每村随机抽取5户居民,采用询问和实地查看的方式调查垃圾收集处理、污水排放情况,厨房、厕所卫生状况,鼠类、苍蝇、蚊类和蟑螂防治和密度调查,饮水卫生和洗手情况。结果调查40个行政村,村内道路完全硬化的占45.00%,集中式供水的占93.78%,有环境卫生管理制度的占67.50%,专兼职保洁员平均每村2人。40个行政村共有户厕i0180座,其中非卫生厕所占93.84%,卫生厕所占6.92%;调查的200户厕所均在院内,厕室内清洁的占32.50%,粪便用土掩埋后施肥和直接施肥分别占64.00%和29.50%。调查村的垃圾随意堆放、定点堆放和统。‘收集的分别占30.00%、45.00%和25.00%;垃圾处理为填埋、焚烧和自然分解的分别占90.00%、7.50%和2.50%。40个村的污水均未经处理直接排放。村中开展过集中灭鼠工作的占70.00%,开展过集中灭蝇工作的占35.00%,开展过集中灭蚊工作的占42.50%,开展过集中灭蟑螂工作的占10.00%。调查的200个家庭中,饮用自来水的占94.00%。调查200人,饭前便后都不洗手、便后洗手、饭前便后都洗和不一定什么时候洗手的分别占18.00%、1.50%、69.50%和11.00%。调查村的40份农田土壤中,检测到蛔虫卵的占52.50%;土壤中铅的含量为(6.39±4.79)mg/kg,镉的含量为(O.60±0.47)mg/kg。结论高密市农村环境卫生设施配套建设相对滞后,农田土壤受到重金属和肠道寄生虫虫卵的污染,居民卫生习惯有待提高。
关 键 词: | 环境卫生 卫生习惯 |
Survey on Environmental Sanitation in Rural Areas,Gaomi City, 2011-2012 |
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Affiliation: | ZHANG Shu-qi, JIE Zhi-hong, GONG Xian-:sheng , et al. ( Gaomi City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Gaomi, Shandong , 261500, China) |
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Abstract: | Objective To understand rural sanitation conditions,so as to provide basis for making decision about ru ral sanitation byr government departments. Methods In August, 2011 and August, 2012,40 administrative villages of 10 towns (sub-districts) were selected, each village selected five residents randomly, using inquiry and field investigation, gar- bage Collection, wastewater emissions, kitchen, toilet hygiene, rodents, flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches and density sur- veys,water sanitation and wash conditions were surveyed. Results A total of 40 administrative villages were sur- veyed. 45. 00% of the village's roads were fully hardened. 93.78%of the villages supplied centralized water. 93.78% of the villages had environmental health management systems. There were 2 cleaners persons per village. 40 administrative villa- ges had 10 180 h0useholds toilets, non-sanitary latrines accounted for 93.84 %, sanitary latrines accounted for 6.92 %. 200 toilets surveyed Were in the yard,32.50 % of the toilets were clean, Feces fertilization after buried with soil and direct fer- tilization accounted for 60. 00 % and 29.50 %. Garbage piled up at random, fixed stacking and unified collection accounted for 30.00%, 45.100% and 25.00%. Waste disposal to landfill incineration and natural decomposition accounted for 90.00 % 7.50% and 2.50 %. 40 villages sewage were direct discharge without untreated. Centralized anti-rat work carried out over 70.00%. Centralized anti-fly work carried out over 35.00%. Centralized anti-mosquito work carried out over 42.50%. Centralized anti- cockroach work carried out over 10.00%. 94.00% of the 200 surveyed households drink tap water. Of 200 people surveyed, those who did not wash their hands before meals and after using the bathroom, those who washed their hands after using the bathroom,those who washed their hands before meals and after using the bathroom, those who washed their hands at uncertain time accounted for 18.00 %, 1.50%, 69.50 %and 11.00 %. 40 villages soil were surveyed. 52.50% of those soil were detected ascaris eggs. The content of lead in soil were (6.39±4.79) mg/kg. The content of cadmium in soil were (0.60±0.47) mg/kg. Conclusion Rural sanitation facilities construction is lagging be- hind in Gaomi city. soil contaminated with heavy metals and ascaris eggs. Residents need to improve their hygienic habits. |
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Keywords: | Environmental health Hygienic habits |
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