Abstract: | Four cases with intractable epilepsy and mental retardation (Epi + MR), four cases of mental retardation (MR), one case of mental retardation without epileptic seizures for the last several years (MR + (Epi] and two normal children were studied on their sleep pattern. Besides these, two cases of epilepsy (Epi) were examined. Awake time increased in the Epi + MR group. Slow wave sleep decreased markedly in the Epi + MR group. REM sleep decreased in the MR + (Epi) and Epi + MR groups. REM density was lowered in the following order: normal----Epi----MR----Epi + MR groups. The difference of sleep pattern among the normal, Epi and MR groups was not exhibited clearly, but severe sleep disturbances were shown in the Epi + MR group, implicating the severe brain dysfunction in the cortex and the brain stem. |