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Financially independent primary health care drug supply system in Cameroun
Authors:Friedrich von Massow,Rolf Korte,Cosmas Cheka,Meinolf Kuper,Helen Tata,&   Bergis Schmidt-Ehry
Affiliation:Health, Population, Nutrition Division, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn, Germany,;Facultéde Droit de l'UniversitéYaoundé, Yaoundé, Cameroun,;Essential Drug Consultant, Berlin, Germany,;North-west Province Special Fund for Health, Bamenda, Cameroun
The drug supply system in the North-west Province of Cameroun differs from 'simple' health financing projects in three important respects. Firstly, the system does not promote drug sales for cofinancing purposes but aims at supporting the prescribers to provide better medical care, and patients' access to the most essential drugs at fair prices. Secondly, the project guarantees equal prices and services throughout the Province regardless of distance from the central warehouse and sales at a given location. Thirdly, along with the revolving fund-financed drug supply system, a community-based legal framework has been established. Built-in management alert mechanisms helped the project resist common causes of collapse such as uneconomic behaviour and political interference. The drug supply system has gained full independence from subsidies and external authorities. Its strong community participation promotes good governance.
Keywords:Drug revolving fund    legal structure    management    affordability    equity    sustainability
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