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Quantitative in vivo assessment of arginine utilization and nitric oxide production in endotoxemia
Authors:Soeters Peter B  Hallemeesch Marcella M  Bruins Maaike J  van Eijk Hans M H  Deutz Nicolaas E P
Affiliation:Department of Surgery, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD, Maastricht, The Netherlands. pb.soeters@ah.unimaas.nl
BACKGROUND: Until recently no methods were available to quantitate nitric oxide (NO) production in vivo. The advent of stable isotope techniques has allowed quantitation of NO production in different animal models and human disease states. METHODS: In vivo NO production was assessed with the use of stable isotope labeled arginine. Enrichments of metabolites were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Knock-out mice were used to assess the influence of knocking out inducible NOS (iNOS) or constitutively expressed NOS (cNOS) on arginine-NO metabolism. Pig models were used to assess the role of individual organs on arginine-NO fluxes. RESULTS: In mice under basal conditions cNOS mediates half of the NO production. After endotoxin challenge NO production doubles as a result of iNOS induction and cNOS-mediated NO production is downregulated. In larger animal models (pig) whole body NO production is augmented after endotoxin challenge, largely resulting from NO production in liver, intestine and kidney. Arginine supplementation increases NO production in pigs in liver, intestine and kidney both in the basal state and after endotoxin challenge. CONCLUSIONS: Stable isotope techniques employing LC-MS allow in vivo assessment of NO production in small and large animal models and in patients. This allows definition of the role that iNOS and cNOS-mediated NO production play in several disease states.
Keywords:Nitric oxide   Arginine   Endotoxemia
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