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Polyamines antagonizing angiotensin II contractile effects in isolated rat aorta
Authors:Costuleanu Natalia  Foia Liliana  Slătineanu Simona Mihaela  Indrei L L  Costuleanu M  Petrescu Gh
Affiliation:Disciplina de Biochimie, Facultatea de Medicin? Stomatologic?, Universitatea de Medicin? ?i Farmacie Gr.T. Popa Ia?i.
Our study showed that the administration in pre-treatment of some polyamines (especially spermine and spermidine and almost null agmatine, putrescine and cadaverine) reduced the contractile effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) in isolated rat aorta. These effects might not be associated to the interference of clathrin coated vesicles (coated pits) formation or caveolae interaction (and thus to Ang II internalization through AT1 receptors). In contrast, these effects seem to be due to the interaction with voltage-gated membrane Ca2+ channels. Therefore, the alteration of transmembrane Ca2+ fluxes does not exclude the involvement of internalization process through coated pits or caveolae, since the endocytosis mediated by these phenomena essentially needs Ca2+. In addition, the inhibitory effects are dependent on the number of positive charges of the polyamine molecules.
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