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Paraquat poisoning: report of two cases and literature review
Authors:Rivero González A  Navarro González J F  Macía Heras M L  Mora Fernández C  Rodríguez Serrano M L  García Pérez J
Affiliation:Servicio de Nefrología, Hospital Nuestra Se?ora de Candelaria, Ctra. del Rosario s/n. 38010 Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Cases of poisoning with pesticides, especially suicidal ones, continue to be an important therapeutic problem. The heribicide paraquat (1.1' dimethyl-4.4' bipyridylium dichloride) is the second cause of pesticide poisoning in our country, which is associated with a high mortality rate. We report two cases of suicidal ingestion of paraquat who developed multiorgan failure with a lethal outcome. We also present a brief review of the literature, mainly focused on the different therapeutic options.
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