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Paget-Schroetter Syndrome Diagnosed by Bedside Emergency Physician performed Ultrasound: A Case Report
Authors:Shannon O&rsquo  KeefeKristin A. Carmody,MD,RDMS,RDCS
Affiliation:Department of Emergency Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts


Paget-Schroetter syndrome, or an upper-extremity deep venous thrombosis (UEDVT), occurs in young people after strenuous repetitive activity involving the upper extremity. The long-term morbidity and mortality of this condition is similar to the effects of lower-extremity DVT and therefore, its early diagnosis and treatment are essential.


This case report describes Paget-Schroetter syndrome (effort thrombosis) diagnosed at the bedside by Emergency Physician performed ultrasound.

Case Report

This is a case report of an uncommon but potentially dangerous disease that carries high morbidity if not diagnosed and treated early. Emergency Physicians should be aware of this condition in any young patient who presents with upper-extremity complaints with a history of repetitive use. Although the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of lower-extremity DVT is well described, this case report is unique because it illustrates the diagnosis of Paget-Schroetter syndrome completed at the bedside.


This article presents the case and discusses the incidence, potential causes, predisposing factors, diagnostic modalities, and the course of treatment for this particular diagnosis.
Keywords:Paget-Schroetter syndrome   bedside ultrasound   effort thrombosis   upper-extremity DVT   subclavian vein clot   thoracic outlet syndrome
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