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Anin vitro invasion model for human renal cell carcinoma cell lines mimicking their metastatic abilities
Authors:Yoshifumi Nakayama  Seiji Naito  Masahiro Ryuto  Yasuaki Hata  Mayumi Ono  Katsuo Sueishi  Sohtaro Komiyama  Hideaki Roh  Michihiko Kuwano
Affiliation:(1) Departments of Biochemistry, Kyushu University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan;(2) Department of Urology, Kyushu University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan;(3) Department of Pathology, Kyushu University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan;(4) Department of Otorhinoralyngology, Kyushu University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan;(5) Department of Surgery I, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Kita-kyushu, Japan;(6) Department of Surgery, University of Occupational Environmental Health, Iseigaoka, Yahata-nishi-ku, 807 Kita-kyusyu, Japan
Abstract:We developed a modifiedin vitro invasion assay system using monolayers of vascular endothelial cells. A type I collagen gel was formed in plastic dishes, and overlaid with type IV collagen. Calf pulmonary arterial endothelial (CPAE) cells were seeded onto these plates, and incubated until they reached confluence. Five human renal cell carcinoma cell lines with various metastatic potentialsin vivo were then seeded on the monolayer CPAE cells, and their colony formation and invasion activities were examined for 9 days. At day 4, the highly metastatic cell lines increased the number of colony foci on monolayer CPAE cells several fold higher than their poorly metastatic counterpart. The horizontal spreading patterns were also different between poorly and highly metastatic cell lines. On day 9, the number of carcinoma foci that penetrated the monolayer of CPAE cells and type IV collagen sheets into type I collagen gels in highly metastatic cell lines greatly increased as compared with that of poorly metastatic cell lines. Ourin vitro invasion assay using monolayer CPAE cells would be useful to evaluate protease activities and colony formation during invasion.
Keywords:calf pulmonary endothelial cells  human renal cell carcinoma  invasion and metastasis  in vitro invasion model
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