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引用本文:张永庆 黄成璞. 经食管电生理检查中的交替文氏现象[J]. 中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志, 1997, 11(2): 85-87
作者姓名:张永庆 黄成璞
摘    要:在561例经食管电生理检查中,检出各类交替文氏现象(AW)81例,共137例次,占14.4%,其中A型、B型、AB混合型、三层房室AW分别为44,60,18,6例次,分别占32.1%、43.8%、13.1%、4.4%;房室结双径路间、束支、房室旁束的AW分别为5,2,2例次,分别占3.6%、1.5%、1.5%。将79例AW者(A组)与80例无AW者(B组)的电生理资料进行比较,显示:①窦性心率(SR),A组较B组慢(72±14.2bpmvs78±12.6bpm,P<0.001)。②房室相对不应期(AVRRP)、房室功能不应期(AVFRP)、房室有效不应期(AVERP),A组分别为609.0±119.4,496.6±96.0,360.0±88.0ms,与B组(546.0±68.9,429.3±61.5,307.0±51.3ms)比较差异有高度显著性,P均<0.001。③心房有效不应期(AERP),A组与B组比较无显著差异(265.0±42.3msvs265.0±37.3ms,P>0.05)。④随S1S1刺激间距缩短,A组的房室传导顺序为:11→文氏型→21→交替文氏型→31或心房P波脱漏;B组的房室传导顺序则?

关 键 词:交替文氏现象  心脏起搏.食管  电生理学

Alternating Wenckebach Phenomenon in Transesophageal Electrophysiological Examination
Abstract:A total of 81 cases,137 episodes (14.4%) with various types alternating Wenchebach phenomenon (AW) were found in 561 cases with transesophageal electrophysiological examination.44 times (32.1%),60 times (43.8%),18 times (13.1%) and 6 times (4.4%),18 times(13.1%) and 6 times (4.4%) of them were AW of type A,B,AB mix and three levels AV,respectively.The AW of between dual AV nodal pathways,bundle branches and kent bundle were 5 times (3.6%),2 times (1.5%) and 2 times (1.5%),respectively.The mean of electrophysiology was compared between 79 cases with AW (group A) and 80 cases without AW (group B).Results:sinus heart rate (SHR) in group A had significantly slower than group B(72±14.2 bpm vs 78±12 bpm, P < 0.001 ).Atrioventricular relative refractory period (AVRRP),atrioventricular function refractory peroid (AVFRP),atrioventricular effective refractory peroid (AVERP) in group A had significantly longer than group B,respectively (609.0±119.4 ms,496.6±96 ms,360.0±88.0 ms vs 546.0±68.9 ms,429.3±61.5 ms,307.0±51.3 ms, P <0.001).Along with the shorten of the S 1S 1 pacing cycle length,the AV conduction sequence of group A was 1∶1→Wenckebachs types→2∶1 AW→ 3∶1 or P wave with atrial disappear,but one of group B were 1∶1→Wenckebachs types→2∶1→3∶1 or P wave with atrial disappear.The results suggest that most of the AW are functional disorder.The level of pathologic changes of AW is intermediated between 2∶1 and 3∶1 conduction block.The clinical significance of AW should be analysed according to basic heart situation,basic heart rates,occurrence site and continued time of AW,and so on.
Keywords:Alternating Wenckebach phenomenon Heart pacing  esophagus Electrophysiology
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