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Bile duct injury after cholecystectomy: risk of mortality substantially higher
Authors:Gouma D J  Rauws E A  Laméris J S
Affiliation:Afd. Algemene Chirurgie, Academisch Medisch Centrum/Universiteit van Amsterdam, Postbus 22.660, 1100 DD Amsterdam. d.j.gouma@amc.uva.nl
Abstract:Previous studies showed that bile duct injury after cholecystectomy is associated with substantial morbidity and a negative effect on Quality of Life. In a recent study, patients with a bile duct injury after cholecystectomy exhibited a 3-fold increase in mortality during a follow-up period of nine years compared to patients without injury. This is the first study to demonstrate a negative impact of bile duct injury on survival. Repair by a less experienced surgeon leads to an 11% higher mortality during follow-up. Cholangiography should probably be performed routinely during cholecystectomy. A bile duct lesion should be suspected when the patient has not recovered within 48 hours. Endoscopic or percutaneous treatment of stenoses or leakage is usually successful, even after several weeks.
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