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引用本文:貌盼勇,何红霞,洪世雯. 恒河猴实验感染庚型肝炎病毒的实验研究[J]. 中华实验和临床病毒学杂志, 1998, 12(3): 258-260
作者姓名:貌盼勇  何红霞  洪世雯
摘    要:目的研究庚型肝炎病毒(HGV)在恒河猴中的实验感染状态。方法用一名HGVRNA阳性、HBV、HCV均阴性的健康献血员血浆实验感染2只恒河猴,并取第一代猴感染后6周的血再感染1只第二代恒河猴,然后用以第二代猴感染6周后血继续感染2只第三代恒河猴。分别用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-nPCR)检测受感染猴血清中的HGVRNA,并每周抽血测定血清中丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)。结果感染1周后猴血清HGVRNA阳转,最长持续阳性28周以上。不同感染个体血清ALT水平有明显差异,其中1号猴有短期轻度升高,5号猴血清ALT较长时间在100U/L以上。肝活检发现,感染后16周猴肝组织出现明显的病毒性肝炎样病理改变。进一步对该献血员血浆和感染后猴血清中的HGV5’端部分非编码区基因PCR产物进行测序,结果显示感染用献血员血浆和猴血清中HGV序列与国外株HGU44402的同源性分别为9833%和9583%;与HGU36380株的同源性分别为9250%和8917%;感染猴血清中HGV序列与献血员HGV序列同源性为9583%。结论恒河猴对HGV敏感,可以做为实验模型动物

关 键 词:肝炎病毒.庚型  恒河猴  实验感染

Study on the experimental infection of hepatitis G virus in rhesus monkey
Mao Panyong,He Hongxia,Hong Shiwen,et al.. Study on the experimental infection of hepatitis G virus in rhesus monkey[J]. Chinese journal of experimental and clinical virology, 1998, 12(3): 258-260
Authors:Mao Panyong  He Hongxia  Hong Shiwen  et al.
Affiliation:Department of Virology, 302 Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100039.
Abstract:In order to study the experimental infection of HGV in rhesus monkey, the monkeys were infected using the plasma from a donor with HGV RNA positive. The second generation monkeys were infected with the sera of the first generation monkeys infected after 6 weeks, and also the third generation monkeys were infected with the sera of the second generation monkeys. HGV RNA were detected by RT-nPCR. The results showed that in sera of infected monkeys HGV RNA were positive after 1 week of inoculation, and were consecutively positive for up to 28 weeks at longest. The level of ALT raised a little in monkey No.1 and higher than 100U/L in No.5. The liver biopsy showed viral hepatitis-like histological changes. Comparing the sequence of HGV 5'LTR from sera of the infected monkeys and the blood donor, the homogeneity, to strain HGU44402 was 98 33% and 95 83% to strain HGU36380 was 92 50% and 89 17%, respectively. The results suggested that the rhesus monkey is sensitive to HGV and is suitable for establishment of an animal model.
Keywords:Hepatitis G virus Rhesus monkey Experimental infection  
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