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Assessment of the potential in vivo genotoxicity of fluoranthene
Authors:Stocker, Karen J.   Howard, Wayne R.   Statham, Joanne   Proudlock, Raymond J.
Affiliation:Huntingdon Life Sciences Ltd, PO Box 2, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE18 6ES, UK
Abstract:Fluoranthene is a ubiquitous environmental pollutant. Althoughfluoranthene is mutagenic in bacterial and mammalian in vitrocell systems following metabolic activation by rat liver fraction,information on in vivo mutagenicity is lacking and studies ontumour initiating activity in mice are equivocal. In the presentstudy, the potential genetic hazard to man was assessed usingthe mouse bone marrow micronucleus and rat liver unscheduledDNA synthesis test systems. Fluoranthene did not show any evidenceof genotoxicity in either of the in vivo assays following acuteoral administration at levels of up to 2000 mg/kg b.w. 1To whom correspondence should be addressed
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