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Studies on the serum proteins of chimeras: III. Detection of donor-type C′5 in allogeneic and congenic post-irradiation chimeras
Authors:Mildred E. Phillips   Ursula A. Rother   K. O. Rother     G. Jeanette Thorbecke
Allogeneic and congenic post-irradiation chimeras were produced by bone marrow transfer from C′5 active donor mice into C′5 defective recipients. During the first 4 weeks after transfer many of the chimeras contained haemolytic complement activity in their sera. B6AF1→A chimeras developed higher levels of activity than did B10D2 (new line)→ B10D2 (old line).

Spleen tissue, but not liver tissue, taken from the chimeric animals during this time period incorporated [14C]amino acid into MuB1 as demonstrated by autoradiography of immunoelectrophoretic patterns, suggesting localization of the active donor cells in the spleen rather than in the liver. Formation of donor-type IgG remained demonstrable for a more extended period after induction of chimerism than formation of MuB1.

A transplantable hepatoma in C57L/J, a C′5 active mouse strain, also incorporated [14C]amino acid into MuB1.

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