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引用本文:肖照岑,常淑枫. 温病学说与新生传染病[J]. 天津中医药, 2003, 20(2): 45-47
作者姓名:肖照岑  常淑枫
摘    要:温病学说是明清时代形成的研究外感热病的理论,可运用于现代医学的多种传染性和感染性疾病的诊治中。进入本世纪后,随着医学和卫生学的迅速发展,世界范围内的传染病发病率和病死率已明显下降,有的甚至已绝迹,但近20a来,传染病有不断新生趋势,经确认的新生传染病已达29种。面对众多新生传染病,运用温病理论进行探讨研究具有重大现实意义,其理论优势体现在:温病病名与传染性、感染性疾病对应;渐病学说对传染病病因治疗的优势;温病学说对传染病的辨证优势;温病学说对传染病治疗的优势。故运用温病理论将为新生传染病提供新的有效的治疗途径。

关 键 词:温病学说 新生传染病 理论探讨

Doctrine of seasonal febrile disease and newlyformative infectious disease
XIAO Zhao-cen and CHANG Shu-feng. Doctrine of seasonal febrile disease and newlyformative infectious disease[J]. Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chin Medicine, 2003, 20(2): 45-47
Authors:XIAO Zhao-cen and CHANG Shu-feng
Affiliation:Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
Abstract:Doctrine of seasonal febrile diseases is a theory for febrile disease affected by exopathogen formed in Qing dy-nasty.It can be used in the diagnosis and treatment of many kinds of infectious and infective diseases in modern medicine.In this century with the rapid development of medicine and hegiology,the morbidity and mortality of infectious diseases in the world have decreased obviously.Some diseases even disappear.During the last twenty years,however,infectious dis-eases tented to and29diseases were identified as newly formed.Doctrine of febrile diseases has great actual significance on exploration of newlyformative infectious diseases.The advantages of this theory lie in that the names of febrile disease are corresponded to infectious and infective diseases and etiologic treatment of infectious diseases and treatment according to syndrome differentiation.Doctrine of infectious diseases will provide new effective way foe treatment of newlyformative infectious diseases.
Keywords:doctrine of seasonal febrile diseases  newlyformative infectious diseases  theoretical exploration  
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