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引用本文:赵锋. 肺隔离症的X线诊断(附10例报告)[J]. 吉林大学学报(医学版), 1984, 0(1)
摘    要:<正> 肺隔离症是一种少见的肺先天畸形,一般均行外科切除。由于其血液供应是来自主动脉或其分支,因此术前诊断甚为必要。我院收治的肺隔离症10例,均经手术和/或病理证实,又有较完备的X线检查资料。现着重X线诊断等问题,报告和讨论如下:

X-Ray Diagnosis of the Pulmonary Sequestrations (A Report of 10 Cases)
Abstract:Ten cases of pulmonary sequestration (intralobar type) were reported and its etiology,pathology,clinical features and x-ray manifestations were discussed.This paper pointed out with emphasis that the recurrent infections in the same area was very common in intralobar sequestrations.Most of the cases occurred in the basal segments of the lower lobe,mostly on the left side. The predominant radiological finding was a round mass-like shadow or a cystic shadow in the lower zone posteriorly. Bronchograms often showed filling absence of the bronchi supplying the sequestrated lung, with evidence of displacement and distortion of the remaining seg -mental bronchi in the lower lobe. And aortograms, demonstrating anomalous arteries arising from the aorta, played a significant role in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of pulmonary sequestrations.
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