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Aorticopulmonary Paraganglioma (Aortic Body Tumor): Report of a Case
Authors:Dennis J. Bird   Marcel W. Seiler
Affiliation:  a Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Laboratory Service, West Roxbury, Massachusetts, USA b Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Abstract:A case of aorticopulmonary paraganglioma in a 57-year-old man is described. The tumor comprised nests of uniform cells in a fibrovascular stroma. Electron microscopy revealed abundant neurosecretory granules, and S-100 protein staining demonstrated scattered sustentacular cells at the periphery of typical zellballen. The findings in this case correlated with those of studies on the prognosis for extraadrenal paragangliomas.
Keywords:aortic body tumor  aorticopulmonary paraganglioma  immunohistochemistry  S-100 protein  transmission electron microscopy
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