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Risk factors for impaired quality of life and psychosocial adjustment after pediatric heart,kidney, and liver transplantation
Authors:Anu Haavisto  Marit Korkman  Harri Sintonen  Christer Holmberg  Hannu Jalanko  Jari Lipsanen  Erik Qvist
Affiliation:1. Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, , Helsinki, Finland;2. Hjelt Institute/Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, , Helsinki, Finland;3. Pediatric Nephrology and Transplantation, Hospital for Children and Adolescents, University of Helsinki, , Helsinki, Finland
Abstract:Few studies compare HRQOL and PSA in children who have undergone different types of solid organ Tx. In this cross‐sectional study, HRQOL and PSA were assessed in 74 Tx patients (16 heart, 44 kidney, 14 liver) at a mean age of 11.5 (range 6.3–16.7), 7.2 yr post‐Tx (range 1.0–15.0). HRQOL was self‐assessed using standardized health utility questionnaires (15D–17D). The patients' PSA was evaluated using the Child Behavior Checklist for parents, Youth Self‐Report for patients aged 11–16 yr, and Teacher Report Form. Outcomes did not differ significantly between Tx groups. Preadolescents (8–11 yr) reported poorer HRQOL compared with same‐age peers (p = 0.020). In contrast, adolescents reported similar HRQOL and PSA compared to the general population. Proxy‐reports revealed more PSA problems compared with age expectations (p < 0.01), mainly in internalizing behavior (p < 0.01). Lower HRQOL was associated with shorter follow‐up time since Tx, congenital disease, and a psychiatric or neurological diagnosis. PSA problems were associated with family‐related variables, neurological diagnosis, shorter follow‐up time, and in teacher‐reports longer disease duration before Tx. Different pediatric Tx groups have similar outcome. Neurological comorbidity and shorter follow‐up time are important risk factors, but the impact of family‐related variables on PSA indicate the need of family interventions.
Keywords:pediatric heart transplantation  pediatric kidney transplantation  pediatric liver transplantation  health‐related quality of life  health utility  psychosocial adjustment
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