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The diagnosis of male infertility--prospective time-specific study of conception rates related to seminal analysis and post-coital sperm--mucus penetration and survival in otherwise unexplained infertility
Authors:Glazener, Cathryn M.A.   Kelly, Nicholas J.   Weir, M. Jane A.   David, John S.E.   Cornes, John S.   Hull, Michael G.R.
Affiliation:University of Bristol Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bristol Maternity Hospital Bristol BS2 8EG 1University of Bristol Veterinary School, Langford House Langford, Bristol BS18 7DU 2Department of Pathology, Bristol General Hospital Bristol BSl 6SY, UK
Abstract:Infertile women without any inherent female infertility factorsand able to secrete normal cervical mucus were studied prospectivelyin relation to post-coital sperm—mucus penetration (PCT)and their partner's seminal analysis, excluding men with azoospermia.Time-specific cumulative conception rates calculated as forlife-table analysis were related to each measured seminal variableon routine analysis of 2–3 samples (volume, density, proportionwith progressive motility, and proportion with normal morphology);to various derivatives from combinations of these variables;to seminal findings after vital staining; and to the PCT results.The best seminal predictor of fertility was the motile normalsperm density (MNSD), the 18 month conception rates being 57.4%+ 4.6 (SE) and 30.2% + 5.9 (ratio 1.9, P < 0.001) above andbelow a derived threshold value of 4 x 106/ml. The PCT led torates of 55.6% ± 4.3 and 14.9% ± 5.1 (ratio 3.73,P < 0.001) for positive and negative results, respectively.The PCT also gave rise to a significantly distinct intermediatepoor-psitive sub-group (conception rate 30.6% ± 9.0).Seminal analysis (the MNSD) did not affect the conception rateassociated with a positive PCT but helped to discriminate furtherwith a negative PCT (conception rates 22.5% ± 8.7 withan MNSD above 4 x 106/ml versus 5.6% ± 4.8 below, P <0.05). The PCT was the single best predictor of fertility butseminal analysis (the MNSD) was of additional value after anegative PCT.
Keywords:male infertility/spermatozoa/seminal analysis/postcoital sperm—  mucus penetration test/cumulative conception rates
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