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引用本文:曹丰, 蔡乐, 崔文龙, 孙承欢, 和建全. 云南省玉龙县≥35岁纳西族居民尼古丁依赖的社会经济差异分析[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2016, 20(5): 452-455. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2016.05.006
作者姓名:曹丰  蔡乐  崔文龙  孙承欢  和建全
作者单位:1. 昆明医科大学公共卫生学院, 云南 昆明 650500;;;2. 云南省玉龙县卫生局, 云南 丽江 674100
摘    要:目的 了解云南省玉龙县纳西族居民尼古丁依赖现状,并分析其尼古丁依赖的社会经济差异。方法 采用分层随机抽样的方法从云南省玉龙县纳西族聚居乡镇抽取1 402名≥35岁纳西族常住居民进行一对一面访问卷调查。结果 玉龙县纳西族居民现在吸烟率为31.1%,其中男性为66.6%,女性为0.9%;男性吸烟率高于女性(χ2=701.22,P<0.001)。436名现在吸烟者里,尼古丁依赖(fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence,FTND)平均得分为(5.28±2.22)分,其中男性为(5.28±2.21)分,女性为(5.57±2.70)分;开始吸烟年龄< 20岁、吸非过滤嘴香烟的现在吸烟者尼古丁依赖得分较高(均有P<0.05)。有序Logistic回归分析结果显示,收入水平低的纳西族现在吸烟者有更高的尼古丁依赖可能性;住房情况好的纳西族现在吸烟者有更高的尼古丁依赖可能性。结论 纳西族居民尼古丁依赖已成为严重的公共卫生问题,且存在一定的社会经济差异。应针对低收入水平与住房条件好的纳西族居民进行控烟宣传。

关 键 词:吸烟   尼古丁依赖   流行病学研究

Socioeconomic difference in prevalence of nicotine dependence among Naxi ethnic minority in Yulong County of Yunnan Province
CAO Feng, CAI Le, CUI Wen-long, SUN Cheng-huan, HE Jian-quan. Socioeconomic difference in prevalence of nicotine dependence among Naxi ethnic minority in Yulong County of Yunnan Province[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION, 2016, 20(5): 452-455. doi: 10.16462/j.cnki.zhjbkz.2016.05.006
Authors:CAO Feng  CAI Le  CUI Wen-long  SUN Cheng-huan  HE Jian-quan
Affiliation:1. School of Public Health, Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650500, China;;;2. The Health Bureau of Yulong County, Lijiang 674100, China
Abstract:Objective To explore socioeconomic difference in prevalence of nicotine dependence among Naxi ethnic minority in Yulong County of Yunnan province. Methods Stratified random sampling method was used to select a representative sample of 1 402 Naxi ethnic minority aged 35 and above from Yulong County. Each participant received a face to face questionnaire interview. Results The overall prevalence rate of current smoking was 31.1%, and males were 66.6%, females were 0.9%, respectively. Males had significantly higher prevalence of current smoking than the females (χ2=701.22,P<0.001). Among 436 current smokers, the average score of FTND was 5.28±2.22 (5.28±2.21 for males and 5.57±2.70 for females). Smokers whose age of smoking initiation occurred under 20 years old and non-filter cigarette smokers had a higher FTND score(all P<0.05). The results of ordinal Logistic regression showed that Naxi current smokers with low income level were associated with higher possibility of nicotine dependence. Naxi current smokers with better housing conditions were associated with higher possibility of nicotine dependence. Conclusions Nicotine dependence is a serious public health concern, and there is significant socioeconomic difference in prevalence of nicotine dependence in Yulong County. Intervention strategies for tobacco control should give increased attention to the poor and persons with good housing conditions.
Keywords:Smoking  Nicotine dependence  Epidemiologic studies
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