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A new human ovarian carcinoma cell line: establishment and analysis of tumor-associated markers
Authors:A T Horowitz  A J Treves  R Voss  E Okon  Z Fuks  L Davidson  S Biran
In the present study we describe the establishment and characteristics of a new human tumor cell line (OV-1063) positive for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) originating from ovarian metastatic tumor cells. Analysis of the cultured cells during their in vitro adaptation period revealed while the primary culture exhibited a low proportion of CEA-positive cells, this proportion increased with culture passages and eventually more than 90% of the cells in the established line were CEA-positive. Thus, during the period of adaptation to in vitro growth, a selection for CEA-positive cells took place but the amount of CEA secreted per each positive cell seemed to be constant. Several tumor-associated characteristics were found positive on the established OV-1063 cell line. The in vitro growing cell line exhibited an abnormal chromosome pattern with a near-trisomy karyotype for some chromosomes, colony formation in soft agar as well as positive staining with a monoclonal antibody B38.1. Culture supernatants of the OV-1063 cells contained significant amounts of CEA as well as CA-125 antigen which is an ovarian-carcinoma-associated antigen.
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