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引用本文:陈志斌,谢曼英,贺淑媛,孙育欣,潘福海,彭英,潘晓华. 临床医学专业研究生对病人安全认识的调查与分析[J]. 中华医学教育杂志, 2014, 0(4): 607-612
作者姓名:陈志斌  谢曼英  贺淑媛  孙育欣  潘福海  彭英  潘晓华
作者单位:1. 暨南大学第二临床医学院/ 广东省深圳市人民医院骨科, 深圳,518020
2. 暨南大学第二临床医学院/ 广东省深圳市人民医院 护理部, 深圳,518020
3. 暨南大学第二临床医学院/ 广东省深圳市人民医院 药学部, 深圳,518020
摘    要:目的了解临床医学专业研究生对病人安全知识的掌握情况,分析存在的问题,为开展、强化病人安全的教育和训练提供参考。方法选择暨南大学2012级临床医学专业139名硕士研究生为研究对象,按照工作年限的不同将他们分成A组(应届生)、B组(工作3年以内的研究生)和c组(工作3年以上的研究生)进行问卷调查。将调查结果以Kruskal-Wallis H、Wilcoxon秩和检验进行统计学分析。结果94.3%的研究生认为病人安全是首要的,71.2%的研究生认为病人安全事件不可避免,56.8%的研究生不了解病人安全事件潜在因素的定义,72.7%的研究生不知道有效病人安全事件报告系统的特征,41.7%和66.9%的研究生不了解世界卫生组织、国家和当地医院管理部门每年公布的病人安全事件数目。大部分研究生愿意接受有实践指导价值病人安全的培训,但是有一半以上的研究生不愿意学习怎样向患者揭示病人安全事件;不同工作年限的研究生对病人安全的认知及处理态度不同,A组和B组的研究生认为病人安全事件报告系统有助于减少事件发生,更愿意去揭示和追究病人安全事件,C组学生则相反。结论临床医学专业硕士研究生的病人安全知识贫乏、认识肤浅,学校理论教育与临床现实存在落差,加强对他们相关理论教育和实践培训是极其迫切和现实的需求。同时,我国病人安全管理及病人安全报告体系也亟需完善。

关 键 词:病人安全  认知  临床医学专业  研究生  问卷调查

An investigation of perception on patient safety on clinical postgraduates
Chen Zhibin,Xie Manying,He Shuyuan,Sun Yuxin,Pan Fuhai,Peng Ying,Pan Xiaohua. An investigation of perception on patient safety on clinical postgraduates[J]. Chinese Journal of Medical Education, 2014, 0(4): 607-612
Authors:Chen Zhibin  Xie Manying  He Shuyuan  Sun Yuxin  Pan Fuhai  Peng Ying  Pan Xiaohua
Affiliation:Chen Zhibin, Xie Manying, He Shuyuan, Sun Yuxin, Pan Fuhai, Peng Ying, Pan Xiaohua. ( Department of Orthopedics and traumatology, The Second Medical College of Ji' nan University/Shenzhen People's Hospital,Shenzhen 518020, China; Nursing Department, The Second Medical College of Ji ' nan University/ Shenzhen People' s Hospital, Shenzhen 518020, China)
Abstract:Objective To Investigate the clinical medicine postgraduates' perception on "patient safety" issues, analyze the potential problem of patient safety education for clinical postgraduates, provide some references and evidences for the further reformation of clinical medicine education system. Methods Total of 154 first-year clinical postgraduate of Jinan University (2012 grade ) were voluntarily surveyed with questionnaire on "patient safety" issues . Their survey results were divided into three groups: fresh graduates group (group A), 1-3 year-worked-experience group (group B ) and more than 3 year-worked- experience group (group C) and statistically analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis H/Wilcoxon test . Results The majority of participants agreed that "patient safety is chiefly" and "making errors in medicine is inevitable" without being familiar with such perception as "definition of latent factors", "characteristics of a successful error reporting system" or "the number of preventable adverse events each year in WHO, country and local hospital management department". Most of the students were keen to accept effective curriculum and training course on "patient safety", while over half of them were less reluctant to learn "disclosing an error to a patient", respondents of different work-experience had some distinction on perception and attitude of "patient safety" : students of group A and B agreed that" reporting systems can reduce future errors" and tend to disclose and investigate " errors", but attitude of group C was indifference. Conclusions The perception of clinical medicine postgraduates on patient safety were quite insufficient and superficial. The gap between theoretical education in school and clinical practice is remarkable, furthermore enhancing of the formal curriculum and training system on "patient safety" for the postgraduate students are urgent, as well as the improving of public health system management such as "reporting s
Keywords:Patient safety  Perception  Clinical medicine  Postgraduate  Questionnaire
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