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引用本文:黄新胜,何亚乐,侯跃双,冯碧霞,许燕,黄奕高. 经食道超声心图评价成人先天性房间隔缺损[J]. 岭南心血管病杂志, 2001, 7(6): 418-420
作者姓名:黄新胜  何亚乐  侯跃双  冯碧霞  许燕  黄奕高
摘    要:目的:探讨经食道超声心动图评价成人先天性心脏病的价值。方法:我们用经食道超声心动图(TEE)诊断成人先天性心脏病173例,156例经心导管和/或手术证实。结果:在131例经手术和/或心导管证实的房间隔缺损(ASD)的病例,经胸超声心动图(TTE)显示ADS109例,TEE显示ASD128例,TTE诊断房间隔缺损的敏感性为83%,TEE诊断房间隔缺损的敏感性为98%,值得注意的是,10例静脉窦型ASD,TTE仅能显示3例,而TEE能观察到所有的10例,且所有的TEE检查的病例,能清晰地观察到与静脉窦型ASD相关的部分肺静脉异位引流,3例冠状静脉窦部位的小ASD,TTE显示2例,但TEE未能显示,结论:TEE探查ADS明显优于TTE,尤其是静脉窦型ASD,但靠近冠状静脉窦部位的小ASD,TEE并不比TTE检查优越,同时TEE对其他先天性心脏病异常结构的观察也提供大量的附加信息。

关 键 词:先天性心脏病 经食道超声心动图 成人 ASD 先天性房间隔缺损

Assessment of congenital heart diseases with transesophageal echocardiography in adult populations
Huang Xin-sheng,He Yale,Hou Yueshuang,et al.. Assessment of congenital heart diseases with transesophageal echocardiography in adult populations[J]. South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases, 2001, 7(6): 418-420
Authors:Huang Xin-sheng  He Yale  Hou Yueshuang  et al.
Affiliation:Huang Xin-sheng,He Yale,Hou Yueshuang,et al. Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute and Guangdong Provencial People's Hospi-tal,Guangzhou 510080
Abstract:Abstract:Objective To study the merits oftransesophageal echocardiography (TEE) evaluating con-genital heart diseases in adult populations. Methods173 adult patients with congenital heart diseases werediagnosed with TEE and 156 patients were confirmed bycardiac and/or surgery. Results 131 patients were diag-nosed as atrial septal defects (ASD) by cardiac caiheteri-zation and/or surgery, 109 patients (83%) were detectedASD by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and 128patients (98%) were detected ASD by TEE. It is notablethat of 10 patients with sinus venosus ASD, TTE only de-tected 3 patients, whereas TEE detected all 10 patients.In all cases, TEE could visualize partial anomalous pul-monary venous return associated with sinus venosus ASD.TTE could show 2 patients in 3 patients with small coro-nary sinus ASD, but TEE could not show any patient.Conclusion TEE is superior to TTE for the detection ofASD,especially in sinus venosus ASD. TEE is not supe-rior to TTE for the detection of small coronary sinus ASD.TEE could provide substantial additional information overTTE when TEE was used to assess other congenitalanomalies.
Keywords:Keywords:Congenital heart disease Transesophageal echocardiography Adult populations  
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